October 18

Аn unusual meeting with Grigory Gurevich, a writer, sculptor, painter, graphic artist, engraver and pantomime master, took place in Manhattan's Central Park. The audience heard firsthand about the most interesting projects of his life: collaboration with Marcel Marceau, who became a friend of the maestro. The Pantomime Theater of Grigory Gurevich was included in the repertoire of the Arkady Raikin Theater in Russia, and also toured in Denmark and Germany. Fragments of the show were shown right on a cliff near the Strawberry Fields, paintings were placed on wooden benches, books on special platforms, and one of them - "Magic", unfolding, grew into an installation, which volunteers came out to support as its volume increased. Gregory's poems, stories and parables sounded in Russian and English and gathered a large spontaneous audience of Americans.

August 10

Тthe Zoom platform hosted a literary meeting of the Pushkin Society, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the classic of French literature of the 20th century André Maurois. The writer visited the USA several times and gave lectures at universities, including Washington and New York, presumably met with I. Sikorsky, B. Brazol and S. Rachmaninov, and worked at the University of Kansas. A. Maurois is a master of psychological prose, famous for his romanized biographies of Byron, Shelley, Turgenev, Dumas, Balzac, Hugo and Georges Sand, as well as books on the history of France and Holland. We talked about the intertwining of destinies and recalled Tsvetaeva.
Yuri Bunchik and Boris Borukaev performed their own poems, Marina Katseva, Tatiana Sheremeteva and Natalia Mizuri spoke with comments.

May 5th

We celebtrated the 180th anniversary of the birth of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. A live conversation between Victoria Kurchenko and Olga Slavnina was dedicated to the history of the composer who visited USA in 1891. He took part in the opening of the famous Carnegie Hall and then conducted the orchestra to a standing ovation. Tchaikovsky left historical notes about his journey to the country of skyscrapers. The Pushkin Society archive contains a portrait of the composer, created by the artist L. Nelidova-Thebes, which was published by the Society in postcards in 1940.

April 23rd

Tthe hashtag #ShareYourShakespeare - “share your Shakespeare” was tested on our electronic pages in honor of the legendary author’s birthday. This new form, although it also requires development, aroused some interest.
The meaning of the appeal was that everyone could send their videos reading the works of Shakespeare and publish them on a special resource of the largest Shakespearean library in the United States named after Folger, located in Washington. By the way, reading rooms there were opened for visiting in 1932.

Elena Midlina, Victoria Kurchenko, Inna Grubmair
Elena Midlina, Victoria Kurchenko, Inna Grubmair

February 20th

The Pushkin Society in America for the first time prepared an event for residents and visitors of Paris. Victoria Kurchenko conducted a tour around the Madeleine church, which largely reflects the history of France and is associated with refugees from Russia - representatives of the “philosophical ship” sent by the bolsheviks. Since 1924, even services in Russian were held here. After the tour we had the opportunity to tell new friends about our activities, in particular that it was from Paris that the spread of the Pushkin Committees around the globe began. Inna Grubmair, the official representative of the Society in Europe, introduced the guests to her book “Emigrants from Russia in Zagreb. Life and Fate ", over which they are with T.V. Pushkadia-Rybkina worked for more than five years. The award-winning publication includes numerous archival materials and valuable historical information. Elena Mindlina, singer and vocal teacher, shared with the guests the musical history of the Society: Rachmaninov and Ziloti, Kusevitsky, Prince A. Obolensky and many others performed in it. To everyone's pleasure, Elena sang fragments from classical works. In its free time, the Madeleine Temple is traditionally used as a concert hall.

The next day, discussions were held on upcoming joint projects at the representative office of Columbia University, in the bibliographic department of the French National Library and in the Globus bookstore.

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Оur Society is 90 years old!

 Presidents of the Pushkin Society

1. Boris Brasol, founder    (1935 -1963)

2. Gregory Mesniaeff        (1963 -1967)

3. Semen Bogolubov         (1967 -1971)

4. Serge Woyciechowski   (1971 - 1973)

5. N. Baklanova-Bozhak   (1973 - 1995)   6. Catherine Lodyjensky   (1995 - 2009)

7. Victoria Kurchenko    (2009 - present)