Any organization and every person, regardless of geographical location, sharing the desire to support our work may join the Pushkin Society in America.

What your membership benefits:

1. Ability to present your work on our pages.
2. Attend our events for
50% discount If you have a 

   membership card.
3. Publish your texts in the Bulletin of the Pushkin society.
4. Your recitals and art exhibitions.


Annual personal мembership:


Standard membership - $50

Acting membership - $75 + $25 one time application fee.

Joint membership - $85


Membership for organizations:


Standard (exchange of information, joint activities- $200

Silver (standard + messages about joining the society on our resources - website pages, Facebook, Bulletin of the Pushkin Society) - $300

Gold (silver + visa support) - $500


Send your inquiry to the secretary:

I (first name, last name, email address) wish to become a member of the Pushkin Society in America.

  Tickets, donation,


Our partners

Оur Society is 90 years old!

 Presidents of the Pushkin Society

1. Boris Brasol, founder    (1935 -1963)

2. Gregory Mesniaeff        (1963 -1967)

3. Semen Bogolubov         (1967 -1971)

4. Serge Woyciechowski   (1971 - 1973)

5. N. Baklanova-Bozhak   (1973 - 1995)   6. Catherine Lodyjensky   (1995 - 2009)

7. Victoria Kurchenko    (2009 - present)