Here are some of our original painting available for purchase.

A WOMAN AND A HORSE painted by artist David Burliuk in 1956 and kept in his Brooklyn house at 2575 Bedford Avenue. It was bought by a collector within the same year. After the death of the collector, the painting was exhibited at the auction of the New York Swann Auction Galleries in 2013.
Oil, canvas, 6 x 9.3/4 in. (150 x 250 mm.), artist's signature in the lower right corner. Frame - gypsum, covered with enamel.


Polish-american artist L.R. Yaroshinskaya (1929 - 2010).
A series of landscapes.

Two landscapes of one house by Francis Focer Brown (1891–1971), American impressionist. We represent two of three (II & III) small landscapes, oil on the cardboard paper, c.1930. In them, the artist experimented with light and colors. In the lower right corner are the initials of the artist - F.B. The work is diptych however each piсture can be bought separately.

Price of each landscape $250

Представляем два из трех небольших пейзажей, написанных Френсисом Брауном в 1930-х годах маслом на картонной бумаге. В них художник экспериментировал со светом и цветовой гаммой. В правом нижнем углу стоят инициалы художника - F.B. Работа парная, однако каждый пезжаж может быть куплен отдельно.

Стоимость каждой работы  $250

  Tickets, donation,


Our partners

Оur Society is 90 years old!

 Presidents of the Pushkin Society

1. Boris Brasol, founder    (1935 -1963)

2. Gregory Mesniaeff        (1963 -1967)

3. Semen Bogolubov         (1967 -1971)

4. Serge Woyciechowski   (1971 - 1973)

5. N. Baklanova-Bozhak   (1973 - 1995)   6. Catherine Lodyjensky   (1995 - 2009)

7. Victoria Kurchenko    (2009 - present)